Thursday 16 April 2020

Stay Home Reading Rush - TBR

Hey there!

You would think that I have given myself enough of a reading challenge this month with participating in the Magical Readathon to become a Healer (check my previous blog post for more information!). However I, disagree!

Each year two wonderful ladies, Ariel Bissett and Raeleen Lemay host a readathon in July called The Reading Rush. Each year the girls create a website for anyone to join and participate in The Reading Rush and you earn badges for your profile for each challenge you complete. It is so much fun! This month, because we are all stuck at home, the girls decided to host a Stay Home Reading Rush and I instantly wanted to take part.

The Stay Home Reading Rush is running from April 16th until April 19th and there are both reading challenges and Instagram challenges. As this readathon is only small, there are only four reading challenges to complete. 

As you can see, each challenge has a badge attached to it. Once you complete each challenge, you earn the badge and can attach it to your profile later in the year when The Reading Rush begins in July.

I love this challenge because right now, I wish I could go anywhere that isn't my home or place of work! For this challenge I have chosen a book that I am also reading for my Magical Readathon Transfiguration class and that book is:

City of Bones - Cassandra Clare

Who doesn't want to visit Shadowhunters and the Shadow World right?

I also really like this challenge because its simple. Plus, all books make me smile so it was going to be an easy choice! For this challenge I am choosing to read:

HeartStopper Volume 3 - Alice Oseman

This graphic novel makes me smile, fills my heart, makes me happy and gives me all the LGBTQ+ goodness that I need in my life.

This is the prompt that I found really difficult. I wanted to chose books or graphic novels that would allow me to complete all of these challenges and I couldn't find one with a house on the cover for ages! Finally I had a lightbulb moment and I am going to be reading:

Goldie Vance - Hope Lawson, Brittney Williams & Sarah Stern

I think I will find this challenge quite easy! The only places I have been reading at the moment are in my bedroom, conservatory or at work. Seems easy enough? The book I have chosen to read for this challenge is:

The Lost Sisters - Holly Black

This is a short prequel story involving the two sisters, Jude and Taryn from the Folk and Air trilogy. I loved all three books in that trilogy so I can't wait to dive back into the world, even if it only is for 50 pages.

Another thing I love about The Reading Rush is the fun challenges Ariel and Raeleen create to break up the reading challenges. These challenges are usually Instagram or Twitter related and for the Stay Home Reading Rush, they are Instagram related. Each day of the readathon, you are challenged to upload a photo of something they want to see.

I love these Instagram challenges and I think they are going to be so fun to do! I just need to remember and do them! I have been trying to use my bookstagram a lot more recently so this really is the perfect challenge for me this weekend! Come and check out my Instagram and see what photo's I upload for each challenge! I will leave links at the end of the blog!

So there we have my entire TBR for the Stay Home Reading Rush and I will be disappointed with myself if I don't complete it! I deliberately made my TBR completely doable alongside my Magical Readathon challenges so I have no excuses! I am really excited to read and review all of these books and graphic novels. Let me know if you are participating in the Stay Home Reading Rush and what you are reading!

Ariel Bissett

Raeleen Lemay

Reading Rush




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